Meet Michael Galvan: Entrepreneur & Business Owner
We had the good fortune of connecting with Michael Galvan and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Michael, other than deciding to work for yourself, what else do you think played a pivotal role in your story?
The single most important decision to my success was to put away the notion of seeing how far I can get in business and just getting the job done! That one mental check had me take smarter, faster, riskier actions that got the job done.
What should our readers know about your business?
To start, it was not easy. I failed in business a few times. When I had a winning business there were long nights, no weekends off, stress was being handed out like candy. I worked everyday none stop for the first three years past midnight. Yet this journey has been so freeing, I had no excuses and was living in action. I was building my own kingdom. In my 20s I started a couple of businesses and failed, I later learned that the 20s are the time to do just that, fail and learn. It was in my 30s that I had a combination of hard work and luck that got me a contract with the worlds largest university and the sky was the limit. Yet I had to work for it, get the job done. So many other people I knew would work until the clock hit their quitting time. The mentality I was developing in my 20s was that of a business owner while others were developing the mentality of an employee.
Failure is an opportunity to learn for me and I had plenty of that. Others viewed failure as a reason to stop and play it safe. History only remembers the gold medalist not the silver medalist. Go for the gold. In my current business Premiere Living Services we employee adults with various abilities in their first entry level job and provide job coaching to continually set them up for success. The program has been running for 6 years. I was invited to start this program from a fresh perspective. Anyone could have done it and other businesses that were established had similar programs. Yet no one had applied new thinking. I saw opportunity and it scared me. Yet the thing that set me apart was I used Imagination and dedication in response to my fear. I would think from multiple angles how I could win, I would go to bed and wake up thinking of how to win. Also, when I was feeling down and those moments happened almost daily in the beginning I would let myself get down for a few minutes, really relish in the sadness, like really relish in it, then get over it and get back into action. The thing that separated me from everyone else was that I took on business as my one chief aim in life. It was what I ate, and slept. Oddly enough my business now provides the means for what I get to eat and where I sleep!
To create a kingdom I needed to surround myself with people that were more experienced, smarter, and were real-life examples of having built wealth. In short I needed to find people who were living free. So I looked around and started to make new connections, and change my habits to match theirs. For me living in action was being in the homes, going on the vacations with very high performers and observing. Even a lunch can be a treasure trove of knowledge with someone. I once saw a very important business decision be made by a couple in under two minutes in their kitchen as if they were ordering take out. All excuses aside they made up their minds and focused on getting the job done. That memory was one of the most freeing in business. The wealthy make their minds up fast and if they change them they slowly rethink if they should. My business grows, even in 2020, because I would share my vision with others, give credit where credit was due, allow others ideas to be heard, I mean really heard. As a result there are dozens of people who are all looking for ways to expand my business/vision. As I have stated many times in business, all ships rise in high-tide. Meaning your success is as important as my own, let’s both success.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I would hit Big Bear for a few days. There is such a benefit to unplug from the city and be surrounded by nature. We would drive up in the morning and get there in time for a couple hours of snowboarding. Then hit the restaurants for some good food and atmosphere. I personally enjoy the Peppercorn Grill. There would be a few good drinks, lots of laughs and meeting new friends. After a couple days I would head back to LA to switch gears. LA has beach weather practically year-round. We would rent some bikes and cruise up and down the bike path. Being a local I actually run in to people I know quite often doing this.
Then when it was night time we would spend one night at home and reminisce about the time we were roommates and the jokes we would play on each other. For sure one of the nights we would head over to Public School in Culver City, right down the street from where I grew up, and order a gin from the label Revenge. It’s the only gin I order neat and sip to enjoy. Finally before the trip was over we would make to get a workout in, I personally do the Culver City stairs at the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook weekly. It’s a great workout and again, it gets me out of the city just a little bit. Plus you can beat the view of LA from there.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
This is dedicated to the staff of Premiere Living Services. Although there are a host of people, organizations, books and moments (yes moments) the staff have been the driving force of success. Without my staff there would be no business, no one to show up, no one to work hard or think creatively, and no team to be apart of. If my dream was big enough for me to achieve it on my own, I was not dreaming big enough.
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